Launch of the "Yes, we talk TU Wien!" Book Club

New TU Wien Initiative: "Yes, we talk TU Wien!" Book Club. Discover exciting books starting July 17 and discuss them in the autumn!

A heart shape formed of books

This book club offers a unique opportunity to explore the various dimensions of TU Wien's identity from different perspectives, especially concerning European values. Starting on July 17, 2024, book copies will be available at the ‘Luftpavillon‘. Visit during opening hours and secure your exciting holiday reading! Books will be loaned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Our book club features four outstanding works, each overseen by a dedicated individual:

  • Die KI sei mit euch by Helga Nowotny, overseen by Beate Guba.
  • Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil, overseen by Marjo Rauhala.
  • Solange wir leben by David Safier, overseen by Paulus Ebner.
  • I, Robot by Isaac Asimov, overseen by Peter Knees.

In autumn, we invite you to engaging panel discussions where inspiring guests will discuss the content and questions raised by the books. The "Yes, we talk TU Wien!" Book Club not only encourages reading and reflection but also active participation in important discussions.