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Download links for the full text of some of our articles in Science, for readers without subscription to this journal
(These links require the HTTP referrer, opens an external URL in a new window. If you don't get access to the full article, it may be caused by a plugin or settings file your web browser enhancing privacy disabling the HTTP referrer.)

Teaching/Learning Material

Animations (movies) for surface physics courses:


The source code and executables of the Vienna Package for Erlangen LEED (ViPErLEED) are published at github, opens an external URL in a new window; then documentation is at, opens an external URL in a new window.

Program for TPD analysis

Updated version of the program published as supporting material of the paper Analysis of temperature-programmed desorption via equilibrium thermodynamics by M. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson, and U. Diebold, ACS Phys. Chem. Au 2 , 44–62 (2022), doi: 10.1021/acsphyschemau.2c00031, opens an external URL in a new window. The program can simulate TPD spectra assuming a lattice gas of adsorbates and it can also calculate the adsorption energy distribution from an experimental TPD spectrum at saturation coverage. The zip archive also contains a list of changes and the plotly library. If this library (plotly-latest.min.js) is saved in the same directory as the html file, the local version of the library will be used, and an internet connection will not be needed to see the plot(s).

This program is also available online, opens in new window.