Optimizing industrial production processes for supply with 100% renewable energy

Objectives and Innovations

This project explores approaches to align industrial manufacturing processes with the availability of renewable energy sources. As Austria progresses towards its #mission2030 goal of transitioning to 100% renewable energy, the predictability of energy production is set to decrease. The primary aim of this initiative is to design production facilities capable of adapting to fluctuating energy supplies, maintaining adherence to a specified energy profile with over 95% accuracy. A key challenge involves overcoming the uncertainties associated with forecasting energy profiles, which escalate with extended planning horizons and the complexity of manufacturing processes.

Iterative Approach to Production Planning

In collaboration with industry partners, the University for Continuing Education Krems is spearheading the development of an iterative production planning process designed to meet this ambitious goal. The approach seeks to refine planning accuracy through the deployment of adaptable energy consumption models, enhanced by machine learning algorithms. Furthermore, the incorporation of energy-dependent storage and recovery solutions is expected to boost overall efficiency significantly. This innovative framework promises to facilitate energy-conscious scheduling for production lines, offering scalability to accommodate a variety of processes within a unified energy management system.

Industrial Validation and Future Perspectives

The efficacy of the proposed system is set to be evaluated through an industrial trial at the AVL Battery Innovation Center, with outcomes poised to influence the broader manufacturing sector. The project also anticipates exploring the applicability of its findings across other industries, including food production and logistics, among others.

Project Integration and Financial Support

This project is a critical component of the CELTIC-NEXT-Project, Intelligent Edge of Things (IEoT), and receives funding from the Climate and Energy Fund, under the auspices of the "Energy Research (e!MISSION)" program, highlighting its significance in advancing sustainable industrial practices in the face of evolving energy landscapes.

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