Project info

The topic of mobility is an essential key to achieving national and international climate protection goals, but has so far been given too little consideration in the regional context. The ClimateMobil project is therefore investigating the effectiveness of regional mobility management on climate protection and energy efficiency in rural regions. A special focus of the project is action research with pilot regions, i.e. in cooperation with existing structures and models. Practical partners are Energiepark Bruck/Leitha, Mobilitätszentrale Burgenland and OÖ Verkehrsverbund-Organisations GmbH & Co KG. Together with them, strategies and future-oriented models for regional mobility management, which also have a positive effect on climate protection and energy efficiency, are being developed.

This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and is being carried out as part of the "NEW ENERGIES 2020" programme.



  • DI Dr. Hannes Schaffer (Team leader)
  • DI Hartmut Dumke
  • Mag. Stefan Plha
  • DI Christina Ringler

Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut

  • DI Manfred Koblmüller (Team leader)
  • DI Georg Tappeiner
  • Mag. Willi Sieber
  • Mag. Iris Gruber

Austrian Energy Agency

  • DI Dr. Paul Pfaffenbichler (Team leader)
  • Mag. Nina Pickl
  • Mag. Reinhard Jellinek
  • Mag. Robin Krutak

Technische Universität Wien, Institute of Transportation, Research Unit of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering

  • Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Günter Emberger (Team leader)
  • Mag. Anna Mayerthaler
  • Dipl. Ing. Reinhard Haller

Research and work focus of the team leaders

DI Dr. Hannes Schaffer, mecca, opens an external URL in a new window:

Management, project management, moderation, cross-border regional development, organisational and strategic development, EU programme planning, funding advice.

DI Manfred Koblmüller, Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut, opens an external URL in a new window:

Regional networking, sustainable spatial development, tourism, energy, green event management, mobility consulting, head of the Salzburg office of the Austrian Institute of Ecology.

DI Dr. Paul Pfaffenbichler, Austrian Energy Agency:

Diploma in mechanical engineering, doctorate in civil engineering; work focuses on energy and pollutant balances, dynamic models.

Ao. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Günter Emberger, TU Wien - Institute of Transportation, Research Unit of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering:

Master's degree in business and economic informatics, doctorate in social and economic sciences, habilitation in the field of transport planning; research focus on environmental monitoring, transport modelling.


Climate Mobil Distance class model (ZIP), opens a file in a new window

Climate Mobil_Module 2: Mobility assessment tools (PDF), opens a file in a new window