Water quality management news

Rigorosum Katarina Knežević

 Rigorosum Katarina Knežević

© V. Reinisch

Rigorosum Katarina Knežević

Today we celebrate!
Dr. Katarina Knežević has just defended successfully her PhD thesis on "Resource recovery from fermentation waste streams by membrane
technologies with a focus on electrodialysis, supervised by Norbert Kreuzinger and Jörg Krampe.
Congratulations Katie! It was an enourmous pleasure to have you as colleague in our team and to follow your impressing professional growth during your research project. We wish you all the best for your future endeavours.
A special thank you goes to the external examiners Prof. Thomas Wintgens from RWTH Aachen University and Prof. Markus Engelhart from TU Darmstadt.