Water quality management news

Liad Weisz attends conferences in Palermo

Liad Weisz at conferences in Palermo

Conferences in Palermo

We are glad that our colleague Liad Weisz could present his research at the two conferences „International Conference on Wider-Uptake of Water Resources from Wastewater Treatment“ and atthe „7th IWA - Regional Membrane Technology Conference“ in Palermo.
This event, which brought together more than 300 researchers from 50 countries, provided an engaging platform for discussing a range of topics, including resource recovery, water reuse assessment, membrane fouling control and applied governance models. Liad‘s presentation focused on electrodialysis and its potential to meet the nitrogen requirements of an industrial WWTP.

Many thanks to the International Water Association, Giorgio Mannina, and How Yong Ng for organizing this remarkable event!

Feel free to check the Conference Proceedings at the ebook „Frontiers in Membrane Technology“: https://lnkd.in/dSFfQZfY, opens an external URL