Water quality management news

Habilitation Ottavia Zoboli

f.l.t.r: M. Lukacevic, O. Zoboli, J. Gründling-Riener, L. Eberhardsteiner

f.l.t.r: M. Lukacevic, O. Zoboli, J. Gründling-Riener, L. Eberhardsteiner

Proud to share the news that our colleague Ottavia Zoboli was officially awarded her habilitation (Venia Docendi) in the field of Surface Water Quality and River Basin Management by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Jasmin Gründling-Riener.
The habilitation in a nutshell for our international network:

  • it is the authorisation to teach at university, including the main supervision and examination of Master's and PhD students
  • obtaining this "power/licence" to teach involved a demanding evaluation process, in which a committee at TU Wien and external anonymous experts assessed not only her didactic skills, her teaching and supervisory experience, but also her scientific competence in the field through a thesis consisting of her selected peer-reviewed publications.

Mission completed now: what a benefit for our institute to have her as a newly awarded member of the academic teaching staff!