As part of the Institute for Spatial Planning, opens in new window at TU Wien, this research unit considers its responsibilities in two main areas:

  • theoretically and methodologically sound spatial research and corresponding approaches to solutions to political and planning challenges as well as
  • offering didactically clearly structured learning offers on theories and methods as well as on the assessment of planning strategies within an evidence-based understanding of planning.

This claim to research-led teaching is implemented by interdisciplinary and planning-oriented research activities: among these are research projects and cooperations with (inter-)national partners as well as independent dissertations and publications. Thereby, research and teaching are based particularly on the specific knowledge of our team members in scientific fields such as regional science, economic, social and urban geography as well as geoinformatics. Both in research and teaching, adequate quantitative and qualitative methods of urban and regional analysis and, especially, geographical information systems (GIS) are used to visualise and analyse spatial structures and processes.


Picture of Franziska Sielker in front of a white background

Heritage Websites as a Useful Addition to the Planning Toolkit in Singapore | International Journal of E-Planning Research | Volume 12 • Issue 1


3 Bilder vom Event.

On November 8, 2023, we warmly welcomed our colleagues from other research units to the SRF Open House. The aim of this event was to introduce our…

[Translate to English:] Ausstellung von Studierenden an der TU Wien. Zu sehen sind viele Menschen, die sich die Poster von den Studierenden anschauen.

We are pleased to invite all interested visitors to RAUM23. This year's motto is: "Perception of space and joint design of urban spaces". From Monday,…

Einladungsposter für das Open House Event am 8. November 2023, 14 Uhr.

On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, we cordially invite the Institute to our Open House at the SRF (Karlsgasse 11, 4th floor).

Over the past year we have…

eine Zeichnung in Form einer Mindmap
© Robert Six

On October 2, 2023, the SRF SIAMESE team, together with the Center for Social Innovation, heralded the end of the research project with the canon of…