Ko-Raum B1 is a joint project with Terra Cognita on behalf of the Upper Austrian provincial government, the city of Linz and the municipalities of Asten, St. Florian and Enns.

As a result of a system study, it is no longer possible to cope with the increased volume of traffic by intensifying the use of space in the system area B1 Wiener Straße Linz Pichling/Ebelsberg - Asten - St. Florian - Enns through measures such as the expansion of public transport or the road infrastructure. For this reason, the city of Linz and the municipalities of the B1 system area have joined forces to find a joint solution to enable the future settlement of residential and business locations in this rapidly prospering area.

In project phase 2: "Transport-oriented control of spatial development", the aim is to analyse the legal provisions in order to sound out a possible framework and instruments for controlling the volume of traffic. The focus is on contractual spatial planning and the possibilities of structuring zoning in commercial areas, taking into account the Upper Austrian legal system.

As a result, options for action will be discussed, which should serve as a basis for adapting or redesigning the legal possibilities for traffic control in the B1 system area.

Duration: 12/2023 - 6/2025