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You can edit documents together with TUdocs in the TU Wien cloud or with MS Teams

As an extension of TUownCloud and TUproCloud, TUdocs supports cooperative work by enabling users to work together on an Office document at the same time.

As this extension is also available in TUproCloud, external cooperation partners can also be involved in the editing process, but the data still remains securely stored on TU Wien servers.

 More information about TUdocs, opens an external URL in a new window, TUownCloud, opens an external URL in a new window and TUproCloud, opens an external URL in a new window.

Microsoft Teams also supports collaborative work on documents with its integration into the Microsoft 365 environment. Teams can be used in a browser version or as a desktop application (Linux: PWA (Microsoft Teams progressive web app)). Apps for mobile devices are also available.

More information can be found in Teams in the navigation on the left under "Learning Paths" (symbol "light bulb").