All news at TU Wien

Workshop: “Re-Designing Development: Resilience in Practice of Cities and Regions”

We warmly invite you to the teaching initiative “Re-Designing Development: Resilience in Practice of Cities and Regions” final event.

[Translate to English:] Einladungs-Poster

This Knowledge Co-creation Workshop is organized for students and scholars interested in bringing forward the idea of resilient urban development. Module lecturers and guest professors will engage with participants critically and  collaboratively, leading the participants to new insights and knowledge on the following topics:

  • Reducing Vulnerability and enhancing Adaptive Capacities in urban development: Principles and criteria
  • Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity: Strategic projects in planning and design
  • Integrating resilience into the practice of design and planning

We are looking forward to welcoming you on Friday, 18th of June from 9.00 am till 12.00 am CET – on Zoom! . Meeting-ID: 964 7891 5688.

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