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Workshop: Data management and research ethics

What if your funder asks you to provide a data management plan or identify your ethics issues? Are you ready to tackle these topics?

Foto of the three trainers

Nothing boosts the planning of a workshop like a cup of strong coffee. Trainers for the Workshop “Data management and research ethics” (from left to right): Barbara Sánchez, Paloma Marín Arraiza, Marjo Rauhala | Image: Christiane Stork

Increased attention to research data and research ethics

Funding bodies increasingly require well-defined data management and competent handling of research ethics and they pay attention to these items in the evaluation of research proposals. Consequently, in some research proposals, such as those responding to the H2020 calls, you have to deliver a description of your data management and to identify the relevant ethical issues as part of your application. As the project budget does not cover expenditures if they have not been planned in advance, it pays off to identify any additional resources at an early stage.

Research data management

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a tool that helps researchers consider all relevant questions concerning the data of a research project right from the beginning. It ensures that adequate attention is given to the long-term use of data. This includes statements about data description, storage and archiving infrastructures, publication of data, as well as citation, long-term access and potential deletion. In many cases, funding bodies require the use of persistent identifiers for research outputs (e.g. DOI) and authors (e.g. ORCID iD) when applying for funding.

Research ethics

Ethics is an inseparable part of research – whether or not it is explicitly recognised as such. Research ethics review has long been established in medical research and it is gradually becoming the norm in other disciplines as well. In European Union funded programs, any research that involves human participation and sensitive personal data, for example, go through a close ethics review. It is helpful for researchers to know how this system works.
The following aspects will be addressed in the workshop: rationale for pausing to take some time for research ethics; standards of ethics that funding bodies use for reviewing research; and some main concerns in research integrity. Where possible, hands-on examples will be used. We encourage you to bring your questions along to enliven the discussion.


To address all these questions, representatives of three units of the TU Wien (Research Ethics Coordination, Center for Research Data Management, TU Wien Bibliothek) invite you to the 2nd workshop “Data management and research ethics”. Besides general introductions to the topics, expectations of funding bodies will be elaborated. The trainers will present tools and support for data management and research ethics, which are available at the TU Wien as well as externally:

  • Infrastructures for managing data along the research lifecycle
  • Data Management Plans
  • Persistent identifiers (DOI and ORCID iD) and their function
  • Research ethics

Where and when?

Tuesday, October 1st 2019, 09:00-12:00 at Resselgasse 4, 5th floor (Vortragsraum), 1040 Wien


If you are interested in participating, please register here, opens an external URL in a new window. Notice that you must be logged into TISS to complete your application.
In case you are unable to register through this link, please send an e-mail to

Who are the trainers?