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Why do we need technical universities?

Representatives of Europe's technical universities are addressing this question this year in Vienna.

Group picture of the participants.

© TU Wien / Matthias Heisler

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The "Conference of Rectors and Presidents of European Universities of Technology", CRP, opens an external URL in a new window for short, already has a long tradition. It originated in Vienna and Aachen and takes place for the 40th time from 23-24 September 2022. 

The anniversary conference was opened by host Sabine Seidler, Rector of TU Wien, and Science Minister Martin Polaschek. "The CRP is a space that combines innovation and tradition," Rector Seidler welcomed the approximately 40 guests. "We come together here to jointly shape the future of Europe's technical universities," she continued.

Manfred Horvat, former head of the TU Wien External Institute and the Office for International Research and Technology Cooperation (BIT) as well as the European and International Programmes (EIP) division of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) that emerged from it, was one of the founding members of the CRP and gave a review of the past 42 years: "With the CRP, a forum was established where we could shed light on challenges from different perspectives and find solutions together. But the idea of innovation was also always present. Thus, the CRP is still a 'think tank' where ideas can mature."

The speakers will discuss this year's guiding question – Why do we need technical universities? – from different angles and present future-oriented strategies and initiatives. Associated with this are the topics of equal opportunities, further development opportunities and internationalisation strategies.