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WCB 2018

Biofluidslab at the World Congress of Biomechanics WCB 2018 in Dublin, Ireland, 8 - 12 July, 2018

Michael Harasek and Margit Gföhler in front of the "Welcome" poster of the WBC 2018

Biofluidslab was present at the WCB 2018 with two contributions:

M. Harasek, B. Lukitsch, M. Gföhler, C. Janeczek, A. Karabegovic, F. Huber-Dangl, C. Krenn, R. Ullrich:
"CFD Simulation of blood gas transport in a hollowfiber membrane packing for design optimization of intracorporal CO2 removal catheters";
Poster: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, WCB 2018, Dublin; 08. - 12.07.2018. pdf, opens an external URL in a new window

C. Janeczek, A. Karabegovic, F. Huber-Dangl, M. Harasek, B. Lukitsch, C. Krenn, R. Ullrich, R. Willinger, M. Gföhler:
"Intravascular Membrane Catehter for CO2 Reduction: In Vitro Tests and First Results";
Poster: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, WCB 2018, Dublin; 08. - 12.07.2018. pdf, opens an external URL in a new window

Presentation Margit Gföhler
Michael Harasek explains our poster