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VSC Training Courses: Parallel programming with OpenMP and/or MPI, Parallel I/O, and Node-Level Performance Engineering

Want to boost your computer simulations by writing parallel code that runs efficiently on modern compute clusters? Join in for our courses in English and learn about parallel programming for high-performance computing (HPC) systems.

This autumn we offer four courses to help you boost your computer simulations.

On clusters and distributed memory architectures, parallel programming with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the dominating programming model. And nowadays you'll find multicore (shared memory) CPUs basically everywhere, which are most easily and efficiently programmed using OpenMP. In addition, computer simulations face an ever growing need for scalability pushing the limitations on size and properties that can be accurately simulated. Therefore, ever larger data sets have to be processed, be it reading input data or writing results. And finally we’ll help you to understand the interactions between software and hardware covering performance engineering approaches on the compute node level.

Our courses start from a beginner’s level and lots of hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic concepts of parallel programming.

The courses are organized by the <link http: training _blank>Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) at TU Wien, and for OpenMP and MPI this is done in cooperation with the <link http: training _blank>High-Performance Computing-Center Stuttgart (HLRS).

More information and registration:

  • <link https: seminare spezialseminare vsc_shared_memory_parallelization_with_openmp _blank>VSC Training Course: Shared memory parallelization with OpenMP
    05.-06.11.2018, 09:00-16:40
  • <link https: seminare spezialseminare vsc_parallelization_with_mpi _blank>VSC Training Course: Parallelization with MPI
    07.-09.11.2018, 09:00-16:30
  • <link https: seminare spezialseminare vsc_parallel_io _blank>VSC Training Course: Parallel I/O
    23.11.2018, 08:45-17:00
  • <link https: seminare spezialseminare vsc_node_level_performance_engineering _blank>VSC Training Course: Node-Level Performance Engineering
    05.-07.12.2018, 09:00-17:00


Pictures: VSC