All news at TU Wien

Visit from Japan

On July 26, 2024, we hosted a delegation from Japan in Vienna to present and discuss TU Wien’s research data services.

Das Foto zeigt sieben Personen in einem Besprechungsraum.

© Tomasz Miksa

Tomasz Miksa and Florina Piroi at the Center for RDM welcoming a group of visitors led by Emi Ishita and Chihiro Kunimoto from Japan.

The meeting focused on our key services, such as the data repository TU Wien Research Data, opens an external URL in a new window and TU Wien’s DAMAP-based DMP tool, opens an external URL in a new window. We also presented our training programs and workshops tailored to different audiences, as well as the centre’s active involvement in research and contribution to the broader academic community's understanding of data management practices. The interdisciplinary nature of our team enables effective collaboration with other departments, such as the legal department, ensuring a holistic approach to research data services.

Looking ahead, the delegation expressed particular interest in the automation and machine-actionability aspects of our services and tools. They were especially impressed by the demo of DAMAP, which showcased how our tools streamline the creation and management of Data Management Plans (DMPs). This positive response underscores the potential for further collaboration and knowledge exchange between our institutions, particularly in the areas of automation and advanced data management solutions.

The delegates

  • Yuta Miyazaki from the Learning and Research Support Section, Kyushu University Library
  • Nanako Okamura from the Digital Repository Section, Kyushu University Library
  • Chihiro Kayo from the Information Support Section, University of the Ryukyus Library
  • Chihiro Kunimoto, Associate Professor and Vice Director of the Academic Link Center, Chiba University, and Director of the Research Commons Division
  • Emi Ishita, Professor in the Department of Library Science (iSchool) & Data-Driven Innovation Initiative, Kyushu University.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna