All news at TU Wien

Visions Workshop Planning Studio

Under the motto ‘Observe and analyse space’, our students will take the first steps in phase 1 of the planning studio ("Raumwerkstatt"): various areas in Vienna will be closely examined and analysed.

The picture shows six people presenting their vision collages.

© Anna Welwert

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Presentation of the vision collages

The picture shows several people looking at the vision collages from behind.

© Anna Welwert

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Visionsworkshop phase 1

Auf dem Bild sind mehrere Personen an einem Tisch stehend zu sehen, die gerade an ihren Visionscollagen arbeiten zu sehen.

© Anna Welwert

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Erarbeitung der Visionscollagen

The picture shows several people sitting at tables and working together on collages.

© Anna Welwert

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Raumwerkstatt Phase 1

The picture shows several people from behind, sitting on chairs and listening to a lecture.

© Anna Welwert.

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Raumwerkstatt phase 1 in the TVFA hall

In the vision workshop, we jointly asked ourselves the question, ‘What makes the area special, where should it go and how can we achieve it?’ and approached this with the help of various methods.

The vision journey as a method is intended to playfully create visionary thinking, the development of new ideas and solutions as well as the basis for the joint development of a spatial vision. Elements of backcasting are incorporated in the form of a journey through time from the future. Backcasting is a strategy method that involves looking backwards from a specific goal in order to identify the necessary changes and measures required on the way to this goal. The group focusses on what it wants to achieve in the future.

The students then created collages of the areas in Erdberg, Sonnwendviertel, Birgittenau, Hirschstetten and along the S45 train line in small groups and presented their visions.

From November onwards, we will continue with phase 2: Developing and designing space. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!