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ViCEM Award for Best Diploma Thesis 2023

Diploma student Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Baumgartner receives the ViCEM award for the best diploma thesis 2023.

A person with arm amputation sits on a stool and holds the arm stump in the newly developed prosthesis.

© Eugenijus Kaniusas | BME

The highly flexible prosthesis adapted to an arm stump.

Diploma student Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Baumgartner - under the academic supervision of Univ.Prof. Eugenius Kaniusas, Dr. scientist medical Agnes Sturma and Univ. Prof. Ivan Vujaklija – receives the ViCEM, opens an external URL in a new window award for the best diploma thesis 2023.

The diploma thesis entitled "Design of an adjustable temporary socket for a transradial prosthesis" is about an adjustable prosthesis socket for transradial amputees, which Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Baumgartner designed, constructed and even tested on patients. This socket can be changed both in diameter and in length and can thus be adapted to different residual limbs. In this way, the patient can immediately have initial contact with the prosthesis.