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Publication in Nature Immunology

The story on the spatial distribution of the T cell receptor gets published in Nature Immunology

Team members from the Vienna University of Technology, the Medical University of Vienna and the Max Planck Institute

© TU Wien I Biophyiscs

Team members

T cells, a key component of our immune system, detect smallest amounts of bacterial or viral portions with their T cell receptor (TCR) and serve as an important proponent of the defence mechanism. One explanation, why T cells are super sensitive is that the TCRs are concentrated at certain areas on the membrane of T cells. Our group, in collaboration with the Medical University of Vienna and the Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, could show that TCRs are actually distributed randomly on the cellular membrane of resting T cells and not concentrated at certain areas as believed earlier. This study is now published in Nature Immunology, opens an external URL in a new window. Congratulations to the team!