All news at TU Wien

Award of the Gabriele-Possanner-Förderungspreis and Ruth Strobl

Congratulations! Dipl.-Ing. Ruth Strobl from the TU Wien was awarded the Gabriele Possanner Promotion Prize on March 1, 2022 for her diploma thesis "Gender, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: How Artificial Intelligence and Robots Perpetuate Gender Stereotypes and Gender Biases".

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© Philipp Schuster

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Dipl.-Ing. Ruth Strobl from the TU Wien was awarded the Gabriele-Possanner-Förderungspreis for her diploma thesis "Gender, Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik: Wie Künstliche Intelligenz und Roboter Gender Stereotype und Gender Biases weiterführen" on March 1, 2022. The thesis was supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Köszegi and deals with how gender stereotypes and gender biases are perpetuated in artificial intelligence and robotics. 

You can find more information in the announcement of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, opens an external URL in a new window.