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Successful re-accreditation by the RICS at the TU Wien

The postgraduate MSc Real Estate – Investment & Valuation has obtained further accreditation until 2022.

Following a successful evaluation process, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) again accredited the MSc Real Estate - Investment & Valuation, offered by the Continuing Education Center of the TU Wien. Until 2022, this postgraduate course is now entitled to carry the RICS quality seal. Associate Professor Dr. Bob Martens, FRICS, who is both Dean of Academic Affairs for Continuing Education at the TU Wien and the Academic Director of this MSc program, is extremely pleased that accreditation is assured for another 5 years: “The reaccreditation of the MSc in Real Estate  - Investment & Valuation for another five years is a particular distinction and is confirmation we are continuing to go in the right direction. The combination of real practical relevance and a sound theoretical base is what makes the standard of the course so high, and it is this that is borne out by the recent award of the quality seal of this renowned institution.”

Chartered Surveyor – a worldwide recognized seal of quality
The RICS is a global professional association of real estate specialists with more than 125,000 members in over 140 countries. The RICS stands for professional practice in the real estate sector, including valuation, residential & commercial property and the building industry. Based on high professional standards and a strict code of ethics, it regulates and promotes the profession. Thus, members of the RICS are involved in an international community of professionals, which opens up valuable networking opportunities and profitable contacts with other highly qualified professionals.

Maintaining high standards of education is another keystone of RICS. The associations own examination procedure, the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC), sets globally uniform standards for the qualification as Chartered Surveyor. Furthermore, there is cooperation with academic institutions in the accreditation of existing and new courses. In Austria, there are only two institutions, which are permitted to display this famous seal of quality for the real estate sector, and, in fact, only around 40 throughout the whole of continental Europe.

Georg Sachatonicsek, MA, MSc, MRICS - new member of the Chartered Surveyor - describes his experience: “As a Chartered Surveyor you belong to the world's most renowned professional association of real estate professionals. I am therefore pleased to support the professional ethos of RICS actively. The competencies acquired by the MSc Real Estate - Investment & Valuation provide a "foundation" of my professional practice and complement the rigorous requirements of RICS.”

The participants of this postgraduate MSc program gain an extensive understanding of the fields of real estate financing, real estate project development and real estate valuation. Successful graduates are awarded the degree of Master of Science – Real Estate Investment and Valuation (MSc) by the TU Wien.

Registration is still open for the next MSc Program in Real Estate - Investment and Valuation, which is due to start on February 23, 2018. The closing date for applications is January 10, 2018.

You can find out more at <link http:>, opens an external URL in a new window.