All news at TU Wien

Vienna young Scientists Symposium: Call for abstracts

The third Vienna young Scientists Symposium (VSS) will take place on 7th and 8th of June 2018 in TUtheSky at TU Wien.

The VSS is an initiative of young researchers of TU Wien to provide an innovative platform, where scientists can present and discuss their research activity (from bachelor to habilitation thesis). Every year the focus is on different topics.

In addition the VSS supports the networking with researchers from other disciplines to invigorate interdisciplinary research and cooperation beyond the borders of the own faculty. The following topics will be presented and discussed on 7th and 8th of June 2018:

  • Industry 4.0 – From Smart Factory to Smart City
  • Novel and Smart Materials
  • Intelligent Data Systems

The symposium will feature different presentation options: oral presentations and poster presentations with a short teaser presentation (scientific speed talks) and will also allow the presentation of prototypes.


...of two-page abstracts is open (in English language) - submit your abstract now!
Submission deadline is February 21st 2018.
Participation is free!

For more information, abstract submission and registration see <link http: _blank>

Pictures: © TU Wien/Matthias Heisler|