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TU Wien @ IDCC24 workshop: Discussing the future of data management planning

Tomasz Miksa and Derek Molnar from the Center for RDM actively contributed to the workshop “Elevating data management planning: Interoperability of RDM services through machine-actionability”.

The photo shows the speaker on the right hand side and the presentation on the left.

© Tomasz Miksa

Derek Molnar presented the open-source tool DAMAP.

The workshop took place on 19 February 2024 in Edinburgh, Great Britain. It was part of the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC24). Both general developments and specific implementations were on the agenda.

Ten principles for machine-actionable DMPs (maDMPs)

Tomasz Miksa, acting as the co-chair of the workshop, introduced the audience to his paper on ten principles for machine-actionable data management plans, opens an external URL in a new window. Workshop participants within the world café framework discussed the individual principles. The objective was to identify to what extent the principles still hold true and where the community is progressing towards higher machine-actionability of DMPs. There was an overall consensus that after five years from the original publication, the principles still hold.

DAMAP, the Austrian solution for maDMPs

The DAMAP community manager Derek Molnar presented the tool to the workshop participants. He stressed the fact that DAMAP is a result of collaboration between Austrian universities and outlined to what extent the tool supports the ten principles for machine-actionable DMPs. Together with other DMP tool owners, such as Argos, DMP Tool, DMP OPIDoR, Data Stewardship Wizard, and DMPonline, he contributed to the discussion on the progress of adopting machine-actionable DMPs.

DMP tool-repository-integrations

The workshop also included a discussion on the pathways - how to connect DMP platforms and RDM platforms to create value for researchers and other stakeholders. Participants created user stories to express their expectations from DMP tools. This input is relevant to the OSTrails project, opens an external URL in a new window, in which TU Wien has the role of technical coordinator, as well as to the roadmap of DAMAP developments within the Shared RDM Services and Infrastructure, opens an external URL in a new window project.

Salzburg Manifesto on maDMPs

The workshop concluded with the launch of the Salzburg Manifesto, opens an external URL in a new window, which was presented by Tomasz Miksa, acting as the co-chair of two RDA groups: the Active DMPs Interest Group and the DMP Common Standards Working Group. The manifesto expresses the commitment of the DMP community to work together on the promotion and adoption of machine-actionable DMPs and DMP IDs.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 14 (top floor), 1040 Vienna