All news at TU Wien

TU Wien Global Strategy 2013+

For the first time, a strategic concept for international activities in research and teaching has been developed at the TU Wien.

Cosmopolitanism has several dimensions that are important to the University. All members of TU Wien live in the knowledge that universities of the 21st century are part of a global network of postsecondary science and education, which also has political, economic, social and cultural connections with the international community. Intercultural intellectual exchange is the source of quality, vibrancy and prosperity for scientific research and teaching as well as for the administrative service facilities.

As regards internationality, TU Wien has set itself the goal in the Development Plan 2013+ to place its trust in its own potential for achievement and innovative power and to be open to European and international competition: As Austria‘s largest research and educational institution in the fields of natural sciences and technology, TU Wien contributes to the Federal Government‘s Research, Technology and Innovation Strategy1 to become an innovation leader, establishes international strategic cooperation and alliances in science and business to support researchers and teachers, participates in the international competition for the "best brains", designs its degree programmes according to international quality standards and increases the internationality of education.

This objective, in conjunction with the mission statement "Technology for people", also has an international, social and societal dimension. The work of all key players at TU Wien as "global citizens" takes place in the service of society and the economy, occurs with an understanding for worldwide connections and problems and accepts global responsibility for the possible consequences of research and technology transfer as well as for the development of a global elite, who, conscious of their expert qualifications, are not afraid of competition, but for whom responsibility, cooperation and solidarity are also concerns.

TU Wien is well known worldwide for guaranteeing the highest quality in scientific and technological research and development, and development of the arts, for its degree programmes, which are of a high international standard, and its education for outstanding talents, which combines excellent professional qualifications with social responsibility. With this strategy concept, TU Wien commits itself to internationalisation as a forward-looking international educational and research institution.

Strategic Principles
Internationalisation increases the quality of research and teaching and also integrates the necessary service facilities.

  1. TU Wien orientates its international exchanges with excellent universities according to strategic considerations.
  2. TU Wien strengthens its opportunities for systematically recruiting qualified students, junior scientists and professors from abroad by creating an attractive, intercultural research and study environment.
  3. TU Wien promotes the international mobility of its students, junior scientists and professors.
  4. TU Wien strives to improve its international visibility and marketing.

<link file:32600 _blank pdf-link tu international global>TU Wien Global Strategy 2013+

Office of the Rectorate: Mag. Rosmarie Nigg, <link>; T: +43-1-58801-41139  
International Offi ce: Mag. Andreas Zemann, <link>; T: +43-1-58801-41552

1 Realising potentials, increasing dynamics, creating the future. Becoming an innovation leader. Federal Government‘s Research, Technology and Innovation Strategy, March 2011


Photo: © piai/fotolia