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TU Austria @ Forum Alpbach 2022

Austria's three technical universities are also strongly represented at this year's Forum Alpbach - with the Innovation Marathon and a Content Session of the Center for Technology & Society (CTS).

Montage - Earth from space, Marathon logo

TU Austria Innovation Marathon

What is it about?

International and interdisciplinary student teams have 24 hours to solve real-life tasks from industry, set by renowned companies. This year's marathon is hybrid, with participants on-site and online.

The marathon starts on 26 August at 12:00 am and ends 24 hours later with the big presentation of the results.

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Organiser Mario Fallast explains the process to us:

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TUA Innovation Marathon 2022: How does it work?

The Coaches ...

are Julia Achatz, Roland Waldner, Christina Duller and Michael Faschingbauer:

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Meet our coaches for the TUA Innovation Marathon 2022!

Partner companies and supporters:

  • AT&S
  • AVL
  • Energie Steiermark
  • Fronius Perfect Welding
  • Magna 
  • Österreich Werbung
  • Philips
  • Siemens Österreich
  • Österreichisches Patentamt
  • Industriellenvereinigung

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TUA Innovation Marathon 2022: Company Partners

Content Session of the Center for Technology & Society (CTS )

The session deals with the "(R)evolution of Socio-technical Hybrids" from different perspectives. It takes place on 26 August from 9:00 - 12:00.


Anna Franzkowiak and Hilda Tellioglu tell us in the video why we can look forward to the session:

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Darum gehts bei der CTS Content Session am Forum Alpbach 2022