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Thomas Baumgartner receives FCC Innovation Award

[Translate to English:]  Copyright INFN / CERN 2016

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Copyright INFN / CERN 2016

The FCC Week, opens an external URL in a new window is a scientific meeting centered around all aspects relevant to the design of the Future Circular Collider (FCC), the envisaged successor of the LHC, which shall enable the exploration of particle physics up to energies of 100 TeV. This year the meeting was held in Rome, and attracted more than 400 participants, many of whom gave talks or presented posters. Three contributions were selected by a committee, and awarded for their innovative character and relevance to the FCC design study. One of these FCC Innovation Awards, opens an external URL in a new window was given to Thomas Baumgartner, Post-Doc in the Low Temperature Physics group, for his research on superconducting Nb3Sn wires. He found that the performance of these wires can be significantly enhanced by modifying their microstructure (e.g. by using fast neutron irradiation), and devised experimental methods for assessing the homogeneity of their superconducting properties. Based on this work, the Low Temperature Physics group is now exploring ways to improve Nb3Sn wires for use in the FCC in collaboration with CERN.