All news at TU Wien

The Future of Computing

Recently five international high potential professors started their research at the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien. Their research areas cover an extensive bandwidth within the discipline that plays a key role in our society.

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The Faculty of Informatics opens its doors for an outstanding lecture and panel discussion moderated by science journalist Josef Broukal: The Future of Computing. What are the newest research findings and how do they affect society? From high performance computing and big data to classical and non-classical logics, from security to new computer architecture – the five professors give insights into their work and their personal approaches to shape the future.

The Future of Computing – 5 new professors at the Faculty of Informatics

Lecture and panel discussion with

Agata Ciabattoni, Professor for Non-classical Logics in Computer Science
Ivona Brandic, Professor for High Performance Computing Systems
Laura Kovacs, Professor for Automated Program Reasoning
Matteo Maffei, Professor for Security and Privacy
Muhammad Shafique, Professor for Computer Architecture and Robust Energy-Efficient Technologies.

Welcome address: Sabine Seidler, Rector of TU Wien | Hannes Werthner, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien

Time & place:
November 22, 2017, 17:30-19:00
Gußhausstr. 27-29, 1040 Wien, ground floor, EI 9 Hlawka

Chair: Josef Broukal, science journalist

Further details and registration: <link http: go l887 _blank>, opens an external URL in a new window

Lecture and panel discussion in English. The event will be recorded.
Join us for a drink after the event.