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The Austrian Micro Data Center

The newly established service unit of Statistik Austria allows researchers strictly controlled access to anonymised registration data.

Photo of a tablet screen with statistical data on a table, next to a mobile phone and a coffee cup.

Photo: Pixabay

It is thus in line with the idea of the European Data Governance Act (DGA), opens an external URL in a new window, which promotes the wide availability and reuse of public sector data and requires, among other things, the provision of a trustworthy environment for the use of data for research. 

The Austrian Micro Data Center (AMDC), opens an external URL in a new window started operations in July 2022. It allows authorised research institutions - under strict security and data protection conditions - remote access, opens an external URL in a new window to microdata of Statistik Austria as well as to other administrative and registration data, as far as these have been released by the respective authorities.

TU Wien was accepted as accredited institution for this service in October 2022. Therefore, researchers at TU Wien are now entitled to apply for fee-based and time-limited online access via virtual desktop infrastructures to a project-specific data selection of the AMDC.

As an alternative to this remote access solution, Statistik Austria offers a so-called Safe Center, opens an external URL in a new window for on-site data viewing. In both cases, the data remains with Statistik Austria and can only be used within the framework of the respective contractual agreements.

In addition, Statistik Austria's Scientific Use Files-service, opens an external URL in a new window provides registered users with selected anonymised microdata of official statistics as Standardised Data Sets (SDS - often free of charge) or as Task-Specific Data Sets (ADS - subject to a fee) for use in scientific research and teaching.

More information

You can find more information about the AMDC and the application process on our AMDC page. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Further reading

Empfehlung für eine nationale Datenstrategie zur Optimierung einer gemeinwohlorientierten Datennutzung und evidenzbasierten Politikberatung des Rates für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung (RFTE) vom 24.11.2022:, opens an external URL in a new window


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor)
1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien