All news at TU Wien

Talent Management – Game Changing Competence Development

Academic Talent Management Certificate: New compact program in cooperation with Transformation Management GmbH

[Translate to English:] Sujetbild TM

These days a solid development of business strategies to deal with unforeseen demographic developments, the increasing shortage of qualified junior staff and the increasing independence of specialized multiplicators is essential for a company’s success. The associated increasing cost pressure intensifies the situation in many organizations.
Talent Management is often interpreted incorrectly or misleadingly. But it is primarily about personnel crisis management that help guarantee the sustainability of companies on the long run.

With our new compact program “Talent Management” the importance of strategic Talent and Succession Management for increasing long-term success for organizations is in focus. Only with a future-oriented personnel strategy the economic stability can be guaranteed.
The academically certified compact program “Talent Management” starts in the summer term 2023 (March) at the Vienna University of Technology Academy for Continuing Education. In cooperation with experts from TTransformation Management GmbH, opens an external URL in a new window, participants of the program have the opportunity to get an insight about Talent and Succession Management within didactically innovative formats.

In six modules the participants learn about the most important elements of strategic Talent and Succession Management. They receive guidance on setting up and/or expanding professional succession management in their organizations and acquire all skills relevant for a successful implementation.

Participants get the opportunity to contribute real life topics of relevancy from their own businesses. During the entire program period a continuous exchange via real-time support, podcasts, peer group consulting, working-out-loud formats (HOT sessions), specialist coaching, sparring, or via chat rooms is offered.
"By successfully completing the course, you are well prepared for the burning strategic challenges of modern, future-oriented HR work. Furthermore, our alumni network gives you unique access to HR professionals from a wide variety of industries and company sizes in the DACH region.” says Gerhard Graf, lecturer and CEO of Transformation Management GmbH.
The compact program “Talent Management” is of interest for employees and leaders in HR departments (HR and HR managers, HR officers, HR and organizational developers) as well as in-house consultants who want to use/implement strategic talent management in their area.

EMBA Students of the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education can have the ECTS credited if they successfully complete the Talent Management program.

Transformation Management GmbH bring experience from over 100 relevant projects in talent and succession management. Combined with the findings of the international study "Talent and Succession Management on the Test Bench" with over 400 companies, the speakers offer the participants state-of-the-art know-how on what is important in talent and succession management in modern organizations.

“Talent and succession management is risk management and an important success factor for management to ensure the long-term sustainability of the company. The long-preached demographic change, the shortage of skilled workers and the beginning wave of retirements of the baby boomer generation present many companies with major, sometimes existential challenges. Situational ad hoc replacements are less and less possible due to the availability on the job market. Strategic talent and succession management prepares internal high potentials with important know-how for challenges in order to contribute to business development as quickly as possible after being filled". - Rudolf F. Binderlehner, MBA, lecturer & partner of Transformation Management GmbH.

More information on the compact program at: Talent Management | TU Wien and

Key Facts

Period: March 13, 2023 – June 30, 2023
Format: part-time (blocked in modules)
Number of participants: max. 15 people
Participation fee: € 3,600 (excl. VAT) + € 180 (excl. VAT) examination fee
Language of instruction: German
Degree: Academically certified Talent and Succession Manager


Mag. Vanessa Racz
Senior Program Manager
Management & Leadership Programme
T +43 1 58801 41708