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Substitute position - University assistant (pre-doc)

We are looking for a substitute (30 hours per week, pre-doc position) from April 2023!

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© Eva Kelety

job advertisement - photograph of employees

Job advertisement (temporary position)

At the Institute of Spatial Planning, in the research unit Transport System Planning (MOVE), a vacancy is available for a university assistant (Prae-Doc), probably starting in April 2023 (30 hours per week, limited to the duration of the maternity leave) with the following area of responsibility.

Your tasks:

  • Teaching (preparation of teaching materials, supervision of students in tutorials and seminars, (co-)supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses
  • Research and project work
  • Deepening scientific knowledge
  • Writing a dissertation and publications
  • Attending scientific events
  • Assistance with organisational and administrative tasks

Your profile:

  • A good or excellent degree from a Master's or Diploma programme in a related / suitable subject area
  • Scientific skills
  • In-depth knowledge of the subject are (not a prerequisite)
  • Excellent English skills
  • Interest in research in the field of mobility and in working with students
  • Curiosity and motivation for scientific work in a national and international context
  • Willingness to participate in the acquisition and processing of third-party funding projects
  • Ability to work in a team, problem-solving skills and the ability to innovate

We offer:

  • A varied and exciting range of tasks in a cooperative team
  • Hybrid working style with up to 60 % home office option
  • A range of attractive social benefits (see fringe-benefit catalogue of TU Wien)
  • Broad internal and external training opportunities, various career options
  • Central location and good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)

Salary is based on the minimum salary of salary group B1 according to the collective agreement for university employees and currently amounts to EUR 2,458.00 gross/month (14 times per year) for a weekly workload of 30 hours. Previous periods of service related to the job can be taken into account.

We look forward to receiving your application by 09.03.2023.

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