All news at TU Wien

Last lectures for Renewable Energy Students before their Master’s Theses

During their last module, the students of our current class of the MSc Renewable Energy Systems talked about the perspectives on the use of renewable energies.

View of videoconference with members of current class

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View of videoconference with members of current class and academic director Prof. Reinhard Haas

View of Poll regarding Blockchain in Renewables

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View of Poll regarding Blockchain in Renewables

During their last module, the students of our current class of the MSc Renewable Energy Systems talked about the perspectives on the use of renewable energies..
Questions such as What are the current and future drivers of energy consumption? or Do blockchain applications have an impact on the energy market? have been discussed.
Our faculty members also made use of different online-tools, such as polls, to keep the videoconferences exciting and lively and to keep participants active during the lectures (see pict. 2).

This class has now finished their lecture modules and is now taking a well-earned summer break before starting their Master’s Theses by end of August.

We are wishing them a relaxing summer and all the best for the research and elaboration phase of their theses!

To learn more about the MSc Renewable Energy Systems visit the program website >>, opens an external URL in a new window

MSc Renewable Energy Systems
Language: English
Duration: 4 semesters (2 years)
Structure: part-time in modules