All news at TU Wien

Service outage upTUdate - Update

Affected service: upTUdate (Status: 3:30 p.m.)

Affected service users: staff
Incident status: analyzed/fixed

In the past week, necessary security updates were carried out, which led to temporary disruptions to the email service for some users at TU Wien.
The large number of changes made it necessary to fix various causes separately.

Resolved - Restriction of mailbox access with Outlook:
For users for whom access to the mailbox via Outlook no longer worked, we identified the cause: very old Outlook clients and domain-bound computers with corresponding group policies were no longer able to perform BASIC authentication due to increased security requirements.
!!! Domain admins are requested to use at least NTLMv2. This problem can be solved by upgrading to a newer Outlook version and adjusting the group policies!!!
(See also, opens an external URL in a new window )

Resolved - Restrictions when downloading attachments via OWA:
We are pleased to announce that the problem with downloading attachments via Outlook Web Access (OWA) has now been resolved. The function is fully functional again.

Still open - server-based email search:
The server-based email search, especially via OWA, is currently not working as desired.
We recommend upTUdate users to temporarily use the search function of their local e-mail client until an update is provided by Microsoft.

The problems have been solved thanks to intensive cooperation with other universities and service providers.
We ask for your understanding for the remaining problems for which Microsoft has not yet provided a solution.

The security updates already carried out cannot be reversed for reasons of data security.
The security of our systems is a top priority, especially in light of ransomware and other security risks.

We are in close contact with the manufacturer Microsoft and will immediately apply a patch as soon as it is available.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.