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Start of the i²c Founder & Investor Talk Series 2018

The Founder & Investor Talk Series of the Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) enters the next round: Over the past six years, the number of participants was growing steadily and now the talks fill rooms with 200 seats. The i²c therefore gladly announces the already seventh season of inspiring talks with great networking opportunities.

The i²c Founder & Investor Talks enable the diverse audience to learn first-hand from experienced founders and investors. They share lessons learned, dos and don'ts during their talks and answer the participants' questions in interactive Q&A-sessions. The audience benefits from given tips and hints and gets valuable insights into the founder's as well as the investor's perspective. The talk series offers the possibility to network with like-minded people in relaxed atmosphere accompanied by some drinks. Videos from last year's talks are available on the <link https: channel ucujwvque_1ajdqcllkiyj6a _blank link_extern>i²c Youtube-channel.

Also in 2018, the i²c invited well-known successful founders and investors to share their international experiences.

Talk #38 "Learnings from mySugr to make your life as a start-up founder suck less"

Fredrik Debong, Co-founder & Head of R&D at mySugr GmbH

Success not guaranteed, long hours, uncertain outcomes, probably a severe lack of personal time and vacation welcome to the life as an entrepreneur. Fredrik Debong has been fortunate to be part of some spectacular adventures over the past 10 years. He experienced both abhorrent failure and fantastic success. The biggest ride was definitely mySugr, a mobile health company with the aim to make diabetes more bearable. Currently mySugr engages over 70 people in Vienna as well as in San Diego, USA. The little company is now part of one of the world's leading diabetes technology companies, Roche. The possibility to see an idea rise at such an early stage and to witness it taking shape to impact the lives of over a million people has truly been fantastic. In his talk, Fredrik will share some of the experiences and insights of this journey so others won't have to dig their way out of the same holes he had to. Primarily this talk deals with the plane of philosophy and leadership, of focus and people.

About the speaker
Fredrik Debong is co-founder and head of Research and Development at mySugr GmbH. His professional roots lie in software development and architecture, a path started in his native city Stockholm in 1996. He was a student of medical computer science at the University of Technology of Vienna (2004 2010). During his studies, he helped to start Java Student User Group (later JUGAT) and introduced the concept of start-up hackathons in Vienna. As community relations lead and co-founder of what became (2008 2010), one of Europe's leading innovation companies, he gained a bloodied tooth regarding entrepreneurship. With mySugr he has been part of turning an idea from a few scribbles into a life changing company, touching the lives of millions who live with diabetes. The Austrian company was acquired by market leading diabetes technology company Roche in 2017.

WED, March 7th, 5:30 7:30 p.m.
EI 10 Fritz Paschke Hörsaal
Gußhausstr. 27 29, Stiege 1
1040 Wien

<link https: e _blank link_extern>Online registration


More talks in the upcoming summer semester:

  • WED, March 21th, 5:30 7:30 p.m.
    Talk #39 “Everyone said it was impossible, but I did not know that and did it”
    with Andreas Kern, Founder and CEO of (EI 10 Fritz Paschke Hörsaal)
  • WED, April 25th, 5:30 7:30 p.m.
    Talk #40 “Bootstrapping The long road to success” mit Peter Steinberger, Founder & CEO of PSPDFKit GmbH (EI 10 Fritz Paschke Hörsaal)
  • WED, May 2nd, 5:30 7:30 p.m.
    Talk #41 “XARION: A laser acoustic sensor start-up. The role of intellectual property”
    with Balthasar Fischer, Founder & CEO of XARION Laser Acoustics GmbH (Kontaktraum)
  • WED, June 7th, 5:30 7:30 p.m.
    Talk #42: “Lessons learned while scaling a B2D start-up from Austria”
    with Christopher Müller, Co-Founder & CTO of Bitmovin GmbH (EI 10 Fritz Paschke Hörsaal)

All talks take place at 1040 Vienna, Gußhausstr. 27 29, Staircase I. Free entry but registration is necessary (Eventbrite).

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