All news at TU Wien

"Solids4Fun -Building Solids for Function"

The Opening Symposium of the Doctoral School "Solids4Fun -Building Solids for Function" takes place on November, 16th.

In the Doctoral School "Solids4Fun" the interplay between parameters and properties will be exemplarily investigated for different kinds of inorganic solids. This especially includes oxides, semiconductors and intermetallics in different forms, such as thin films, (nano-)composites, porous materials, quantum dots, photonic crystals, metamaterials or hybrid materials. Research and training in "Solids4Fun" will be concentrated around four central issues:

  • Materials and Synthesis
  • Properties and Functionality
  • Applications and Devices
  • Theory and Modelling

Opening Symposium
November, 16th, 1 PM
Frank Dvorak room of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1040 Vienna

Foto: © by courtesy of Prof. Dr. Diebold