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Outstanding success for our institute: Victory in the "ECCV Control Benchmark for sustainable Transport"!

The team of the Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics took part in the "ECCV Control Benchmark for sustainable Transport" and was crowned the winner.

Group picture of the winning team

© IFAC 2023-Yokohama

Viktor Leek (Scania), Associate Prof. Christoph Hametner (TU Wien) and Prof. Lars Eriksson (Linköping University, Sweden) (from left)

TU Wien is proud to announce an outstanding success: A team of the Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics successfully participated in the "ECCV Control Benchmark for sustainable Transport", a competition in the context of the renowned IFAC World Congress 2023. The goal of the competition was to develop a complete control system for a fuel cell-battery hybrid truck. The team's achievements were recognized by an international group of experts, and TU Wien was announced the winner.

"IFAC World Congress"

The "IFAC World Congress" is considered the largest event in the field of control engineering and has been held every three years since 1960. The event provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research results and attracts a worldwide audience of scientists and engineers. In 2023, this congress was held in Yokohama and gained special significance with the presence of the Emperor of Japan at the opening ceremony.

The "ECCV Control Benchmark for sustainable Transport" was organized by Linköping University and truck manufacturer SCANIA as part of the IFAC World Congress 2023. The challenge was to develop a complex control system for a fuel cell electric truck.

Our team, led by Associate Prof. Christoph Hametner, together with research assistants Zhang Peng Du, Alessandro Ferrara and Sandro Kofler, showed impressive performance in several areas:

  • Eco-driving and energy management: optimal efficiency while adhering to the given time and speed limits.
  • Fuel cell: controlling the fuel cell system and dealing with dynamic limitations due to aging mechanisms
  • Battery: avoiding excessive loads and maintaining an optimal state of charge of the battery
  • Thermal management: ensuring adequate cooling of the components within specified limits

"The success at the 'ECCV Control Benchmark for sustainable Transport' at the IFAC World Congress 2023 is an outstanding achievement of our team. We have shown that innovative and predictive operating strategies can contribute significantly to sustainable future mobility," explains Christoph Hametner, head of the research group "Control Methodologies for Powertrain Systems" at TU Wien.

Related Links

Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics

IFAC World Congress 2023, opens an external URL in a new window

ECCV Control Benchmark Wettbewerb, opens an external URL in a new window

Further Inquiry

Associate Prof. Christoph Hametner
Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics
TU Wien
+43 1 58801 325515