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Save the Date: Multilocal Symposium

Invitation to the Multilocal Symposium between 10-12 May 2023 at the landuni in Drosendorf.

Auf dem Bild ist die Einladung für das Multilokale Symposium zu sehen, dort steht "Save the Date: 10.-12. Mai 2023 Multilokales Symposium" der Hintergrund ist Grün.

Einladung zum Multilokalem Symposium

Current trends such as individualisation, location-independent working and the desire for rural life are bringing the phenomenon of multilocality - living in several places - more strongly into rural areas. The political and social debate on temporary presence and absence involves urgent questions about mobility, living together, living and working in rural regions. At the Multilocal Symposium at the landuni Drosendorf, these questions will be addressed and challenges, opportunities, requirements for action as well as the latest research results on multilocal lifestyles in rural regions will be discussed.


Actors from science, planning, politics, students, residents of the region and interested parties are cordially invited. More detailed information on the programme is planned for February 2023 and will be published soon.