All news at TU Wien

Lecture series interdisciplinary urban research

Detail of an institute building of the TU Wien

In urban and spatial sociology, human and social geography, urban studies, ethnology, urban and spatial planning, economics and political science, as well as social work, "city" or certain phenomena in the city are researched. This often happens transdisciplinarily, in cooperation with actors from civil society, the economy, and spatial politics and administration.

The lecture series is intended to allow students from different fields of study to look "beyond their own disciplinary and scientific horizons" and to address "city" and urban phenomena (appropriation of space, open spaces, infrastructures, tourism, mobility, energy, etc.) from different approaches and disciplines theoretically, methodologically and by means of empirical examples.

Time: Tuesday, 05:30pm-07:00pm, weekly, 09.03.2021 – 15.06.2021

The link to each lecture will be available on the Homepage ÖGS Sektion Stadtforschung, opens an external URL in a new window.

Organisation and contact:Raphaela Kogler and Alexander Hamedinger