All news at TU Wien

Result of the BMBWF call for proposals for (digital) research infrastructure

28 projects are being funded with a total of 40 million Euros. TU Wien is involved in several of them.

Shot of corridor in data center full of rack servers and supercomputers.

Photo: Gorodenkoff -

The BMBWF has published initial information about the funded projects and details about the selection process on the call’s website, opens an external URL in a new window.

According to the given information, the following projects led by TU Wien will be funded:

  • Mixed Reality Labor der TU Wien
  • Austrian Research Information & Service Network (ARI&Snet)
  • Austrian Quantum Fiber Network - Connections AQUnet_Connect
  • Eine Gemeinschaftliche Cloud Infrastruktur für Geowissenschaftliche Daten und Services (Cloud4GEO)


TU Wien is involved in other projects as well. With "Shared RDM Services & Infrastructure" led by TU Graz, the follow-up project to FAIR Data Austria, opens an external URL in a new window has also made it into the selection. Even though only parts of the funds applied for were approved, we are pleased that the further development and dissemination of RDM services in Austria is being supported in this way.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor)
1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien