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Celebrating the Research Administrator Day

The profession of research administration began to emerge in the 1940s and has grown to enjoy a considerable demand.

Board with the words Innovation, Support, Solution and Vision Creativity on it.

Research administrators work in higher education establishments, research institutions, healthcare and medical institutions, government agencies, commercial organizations, and non-profit organizations.

September 25, 2021 marks the 7th annual National Research Administrator Day in the United States. This Day was created in 2015 based on the initiative of the National Council of Research Administrators (NCURA) to celebrate the dedicated professionals who “serve the faculty and researchers, protect the institution or organization and assure sound stewardship of sponsored research dollars.” This day is celebrated by research administrators and managers throughout the United States and we like to bring this day to TU Wien in 2021. As the US-National Day Calendar defines it as “a day to recognize the contributions made by administrators every day”, therefore we – as Research Administrators@TU Wien – want to draw your attention on our support within the FTI Support@TU Wien along the project life cycle. Our aim is to support you through all phases from idea to completion of your project and beyond, when thinking about the dissemination and transfer of results.

You find detailed information on the single units and their contact data on our new coLAB-space “Research”:, opens an external URL in a new window (login required). Nevertheless, please also consider the research professionals you have in place at your group, institute or faculty level. We all aim to work closely together to provide you as researcher with the best support possible.

So, if you experienced valuable support so far, take the opportunity of this special day and celebrate with your research administrator colleagues, as theydedicate their time, energy, and effort to accompany your scientific contributions. Visit, opens an external URL in a new window (login required) and provide your Feedback. Excellent research requires top research support! So, Happy Research Administrator Day to all Researcher Administrators around the world!