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QME News: Sept. 2019 (2) - Open PhD position at Quantum Metrology group

We offer one full-time 3 years PhD position for highly motivated and well-qualified early stage researcher to work on the theoretical modelling of superradiant lasers (active optical clocks).

The position will be financed by Horizon2020 project within the MoSaiQC Innovative Training Network, see, opens an external URL in a new window for more details. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Development and optimization of the superradiant clock require an advanced understanding of the superradiance process in real experimental setups of our experimental collaborators, taking into account various environmental conditions, atom replenishment, auxiliary fields, atomic interactions etc. The PhD student will investigate the role of these effects, develop relevant computational models, and help experimentalists to improve the characteristics of superradiant signal. Close collaboration with another experimental and theoretical groups of the MoSaiQC Innovative Training Network, especially during the secondments, provide the student with knowledge of real-life issues of experimental implementations as well as about various modern theoretical and computational methods.

Candidates must hold a master degree in physics or should complete the requirements for a degree soon, have a strong interest in quantum metrology, and be able to perform involved mathematical calculations and numerical simulations.


Formal requirements:

At the date of recruitment the candidate should not have resided in Austria for more than 12 months in the last 3 years, unless as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention.



- Interesting working environment in an large international institute

- English speaking environment

- Vacation days: 25 days

- Parental leave possible

- Salary according to the B1 level of the Austrian Collective Agreement for university staff and corresponds to a gross salary of 2.864 EUR/Month (14 times/year)

- Additional tax-free payment of a mobility allowance of 600 EUR

- Additional tax-free family allowance 250 EUR


Interested candidates are invited to submit a letter describing their research interests, a detailed CV, a grade certificate from master and bachelor studies, and (optionally) the electronic (email) contact details of potential referee(s).

All applications should be sent in electronic form to Dr. Georgy A. Kazakov,

The starting date is flexible, but not earlier than 01.03.2020