All news at TU Wien

Proposers’ Day @ TU Wien: WWTF ICT Call 2015

The Proposers’ Day for the WWTF ICT Call 2015 will take place on November 12th at the TU Wien. Interested researchers are very welcome to get further information concerning grant application.

The call addresses universities and non-university research institutions as well as scientists and researchers in Vienna, including researchers moving to Vienna as a result of this call, that would like to investigate a multi-annual (2-4 years) scientific project in the field of Information and Communication Technology. Projects should improve the understanding of substantial scientific research questions in the field of Information and Communication Technology with potential medium term economic or social benefits. The dedicated funding for this call amounts to EUR 5 million. Funding range per project is 200,000 to 800,000 €.

Submission period: October 10th to December 19th (2p.m.)

Proposers' Days:

  • TU Wien Proposers' Day, 12.11.2014, 15-17 Uhr, Kuppelsaal (registration TU Wien) 
    <link http: dle forschungs_und_transfersupport sc anm_wwtf-ict-2015.htm _blank link_extern>Registration 
  • Open Proposers' Day, 11.11.2014, 13 - 17 Uhr, Frankgasse 4 (Eingang Garnisongasse)
    <link http: events ict15prop _blank link_extern>Registration

<link http: upload ict15_callfiche_web.pdf _blank pdf-link>Call fiche 
<link http: upload ict15_wwtf_guide_for_writing_a_short_proposal.pdf _blank pdf-link>Guide for Writing a Proposal 

For more information about this call kindly contact:

Alexander Wöhrer (WWTF): T: +43-1-4023143-19
Elisabeth Schludermann (TU Wien): T +43-1-58801-41534