All news at TU Wien

PROMENT project partners from Ukraine and Georgia visit TU Wien

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ program PROMENT, a delegation of Ukrainian and Georgian project partners visited TUW: a week dedicated to exchange, networking and getting to know each other.

Seminar participants in a room with parquet floor and screen in the background. They sit together in a U-shape.

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[Translate to English:] Visit to the Vienna State Opera. The people are sitting in the auditorium. Armchairs covered with red velvet.

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From July 10 to 14, the Ukrainian and Georgian project partners of the Erasmus+ program PROMENT (Promoting professional education and students engagement through comprehensive mentoring and tutoring system at HEIs) were hosted at TU Wien. It was the first face-to-face meeting in the framework of the program (before that these meetings were held on a hybrid basis). Therefore, this time the focus of the meeting lay on exchange and getting to know each other personally. In addition, the TU Wien colleagues presented the various support services for students such as the mentoring program for first-year students, AKMATH and FAME. In addition, the visitors gained insights into areas such as gender competence, the Career Center or the work of the student representatives. A cultural program with a guided tour through the main building of the TU Vienna and the State Opera rounded off the Study Visit.

Kurt Matyas, TU Wien Vice Rector Academic Affairs, thanked the group for coming and underlined the importance of future cooperation.
Oleh Matviikiv, the first Vice Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University, highlighted the hospitality of TU Wien and the helpful and informative presentations of the TUW-colleagues. 

Olena Hrabovskaon, on behalf of the L'viv delegation, underlined the importance of getting to know each other personally and appreciated the willingness of TU Wien colleagues to share their knowledge and experience with the partners.

This ERASMUS+ project is supervised by Student Support, where all support services for TU Wien students are summarized: here
Info Erasmus+ Program PROMENT: here