All news at TU Wien

Presentation of the results of the study project "Operating Site Laufen AG

In a joint project with local partners, our students have developed concepts for the re-use of the Laufen site!

photograph of a student group giving a presentation of their concept


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photograph - presentation of a concept for the re-use of the Laufen AG site

photograph of the actors of the re-use process at the event

© Rudolf Ameisbichler

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photograph of the actors of the re-use process at the event

Re-Use: Avoiding brownfield sites

In a joint event of the TU Wien, ecoplus - Lower Austria's business agency, the municipality of Wilhelmsburg, Laufen Austria AG and the BMK brownfields dialogue, the re-use of the Laufen company site was discussed on the basis of student projects.

For decades, the Laufen site was used for the production of bathroom ceramics. Due to operational restructuring in 2020, the production site was downsized in Wilhelmsburg and an area of six hectares - in the centre of Wilhelmsburg - is now available for new uses.

30 urban planning designs were developed by the Bachelor's and Master's students (course supervision by the research units Urban Planning and Design, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning and Transport System Planning - MOVE) at the site. There was great interest in the ideas: the event was attended by more than 90 curious participants.

You can find out more about the event here, opens an external URL in a new window.