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Preprint of a global ASCAT backscatter study published on TechRxiv

In this study we mapped subsurface scatterers impacting C-band backscatter measurements acquired by the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) on a global scale.

In many scientific disciplines it is becoming more and more common practice to publish preprints, i.e., scientific paper that have not yet undergone peer review. Also in our remote sensing team we would like to follow this practice more often, as we see it as an effective way to promote Open Science and disseminate our latest research results and open data much quicker as in the past. Along these lines, we are happy to announce our first preprint published on TechRxiv, a repository for preprints in technology research.

Wagner, W., R. Lindorfer, S. Hahn, H. Kim, M. Vreugdenhil, A. Gruber, M. Fischer, M. Trnka (2023) Global scale mapping of subsurface scattering signals mpacting ASCAT soil moisture retrievals, TechRxiv, Preprint,, opens an external URL in a new window.

The preprint can also be obtained from the repository of TU Wien called reposiTUm:, opens an external URL in a new window