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Nominations open! Best Teaching Awards 2024

Who will be the Best Teacher 2024? Which course was the best in the academic year 2023/24? Who deserves the Best Gender-Sensitive Teaching Award?

Logo Best Teaching Award auf Schokotaler und Frau verschwommen in Hintergrund, die Schokotale in der Hand hält und in die Kamera streckt

© TU Wien, Foto: Matthias Heisler

In 2024, the Best Teaching Awards will once again honor exceptional teaching accomplishments, acknowledging TU Wien lecturers for their outstanding dedication to teaching. "I'm delighted to uphold this TU Wien tradition. For the eighth time, we will celebrate exceptionally motivated and inspiring lecturers, who perceive teaching not merely as the transmission of knowledge, but as a calling, a passion, and a responsibility" concludes Jasmin Gründling-Riener, Vice Rector Academic Affairs.

Have a say in the selection process – nominate now!

Nominations are open to all TU members. Students and employees can submit their nomination(s) via TISS, opens an external URL in a new window until May 15, 2024

This year we are looking for:

  • Best Teacher
    The Best Teacher Award honors exceptionally committed lecturers who inspire and motivate their students by providing outstanding teaching and fostering a conductive learning environment with and for the students.
  • Best Lecture
  • The Best Lecture Award acknowledges exceptional courses that have left a particularly positive impression on students, whether through innovative teaching concepts, effective delivery methods, or the use of media and tools.
  • Best Gender-Sensitive Teaching
  • This category acknowledges courses that are designed to strongly emphasize gender sensitivity, for example by employing gender-sensitive communication and inclusive language, actively combating discrimination and stereotypes, or integrating gender-related aspects.

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Best Teaching Awards 2024: Nominations open!