All news at TU Wien

Next educational stop-over: Japan

The Monbukagakusho-scholarship offers an opportunity for a fully-funded study or research stay in Japan to students at the end of their master or during their doctoral studies. Especially students of natural sciences or technology are encouraged to apply.

(c) Mendeley

Studying in Japan is a special experience – both with regard to the culture as well as the university system. However, comparably high travel expenses, living costs and tuition fees on the one hand and significant differences in language, culture and education on the other hand impede the access for foreigners. Therefore, the TU Wien founded the organizational unit JASEC (Japan Austria Science Exchange Center) in 2014, in order to advise and support students and researchers of the TU Wien regarding communication and application processes for research cooperation and scientific exchange with Japan.     

Apart from diverse offers ranging from summer schools to one- or two-semester study or research stays, the Monbukagakusho-scholarship funded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, offers the opportunity of a fully-funded stay in Japan for 18 or 24 months (incl. a 6 month intensive language course) in the framework of a master or doctoral thesis. In this connection, students of natural sciences or technology are particularly invited to apply.   

Applications for the scholarship are still possible until May 22, 2018 under <link http:>
After a preselection process including a written language proficiency test (English or Japanese), the final nominations for the scholarship will be decided by means of personal interviews of the applicants through an Austrian-Japanese commission, including also Dr. Iris Mach, head of JASEC. She herself received the scholarship in the framework of her doctoral thesis, which also enabled her to expand the scientific network in Japan from which the TU Wien profits today.     

Further information regarding scholarships for study and research stays in Japan:
<link http: de>, opens an external URL in a new window

<link http:>, opens an external URL in a new window

Japan Austria Science Exchange Center (JASEC)
JASEC is a research center at the TU Wien that coordinates the scientific cooperation between the TU Wien and 14 Japanese partner institutions. The first Agreement between the TU Wien and the renowned University of Tokyo was concluded already in 1981 and is active until today. JASEC promotes the mobility of researchers, teaching staff and students of both countries and offers consultation regarding research cooperation and cooperation partners.

JASEC - Japan Austria Science Exchange Center TU Wien / E057-07
Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, Austria 
<link https: home en>, opens an external URL in a new window

<link https: japanaustriascienceexchangecenter>, opens an external URL in a new window

T: +43 1 58801 406108 
F: +43 1 58801 9406108