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NEW: TU Wien DMP Tool

The tool supports members of TU Wien in creating data management plans (DMPs).

Schreenshot showing the first 4 steps of the DMP Tool.

Step by step guidance how to write a DMP

Over the last two years, staff from the Campus Software Development service department and the Center for Research Data Management together with colleagues from TU Graz have developed DAMAP, opens an external URL in a new window, an open source software for institutional DMP tools. This development took place within the FAIR Data Austria project, opens an external URL in a new window funded by the BMBWF. Now, DAMAP has been integrated into the TU Wien environment and is available to both researchers and students as TU Wien DMP Tool, opens an external URL in a new window.

TU Wien DMP Tool guides users through the different sections of a DMP in 10 steps by asking questions, suggesting text components, and providing supplementary information. In addition, some content is automatically filled in using information from TISS and other TUW systems.

As a result, the tool delivers a DMP as a Word document that can be customised and used, for example, for submission to European and national research funders. Our aim is to consider the DMP form specifications of the individual funding bodies as far as possible. Therefore, in addition to a general export version in accordance with the recommendations of Science Europe, opens an external URL in a new window, there is also a tabular format for FWF projects. A specific DMP version for Horizon Europe projects is in preparation.

Furthermore, TU Wien DMP Tool is compatible with the RDA recommendation for machine-actionable DMPs and offers an export of JSON DMPs.

For more information about the new DMP Tool, please see our DMP page and the TU Wien DMP Tool FAQ.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien