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New podcast episode of ‘Wissenschaft im Einsatz’ with Barbara Steinbrunner

Barbara Steinbrunner war gemeinsam mit Robert Loizl zu Gast beim DCNA-Podcast „Wissenschaft im Einsatz“

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The Disaster Competenc Network Austria (DCNA), opens an external URL in a new window regularly publishes new episodes of its podcast ‘Wissenschaft im Einsatz’. In the latest episode entitledTitel „Gebt den Flüssen mehr Raum!“ Raumplanung als Katastrophenschutz, Barbara Steinbrunner, opens an external URL in a new window from the Land Policy and Land Management Research Unit and Robert Loizl, opens an external URL in a new window, Head of the Wasserbaureferat of the Land Salzburg, were invited as guests.

The latest episode discusses the massive floods of autumn 2024 and possible approaches to disaster reduction. You can listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, YouTube or on the DCNA homepage., opens an external URL in a new window