All news at TU Wien

New Person ID in TISS

With more than 7 million entries, ORCiD has now established itself as the recommended (sometimes mandatory) standard (ISO 27729) for personal identification.

© ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) logo with tagline. See ORCID's trademark and ID display-guidelines

Logo ORCiD

What is the ORCID ID?

The ORCID-iD is a non-proprietary, predominantly numerical code for the unambiguous identification of scientific authors.


  • You don't have an ORCiD iD yet? Then you can now apply for it in TISS Research and link it to your existing research profile.
  •  You already have an ORCiD iD? Then you can now link it to your research profile in TISS and make it even more visible.
  •  Currently the name and the position can be synchronized in TISS, we are also working on synchronizing publications and research projects.

Would you like to learn more about ORCiD ID?

The TU Vienna offers an information event:

ORCID and your digital identity as a researcher
26 November 2019 - 10:00 - 11:30

Registration in TISS / Internal Events
Further information about ORCID:     

 The added value of ORCID for scientists (TU Vienna
ORCID Austria Website


© ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) logo with tagline. See ORCID's trademark and ID display-guidelines

Logo ORCiD