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New blog "Scholarly Communications in Transition" is now live

This blog addresses the changing landscape of scholarly communications and related phenomena, particularly predatory publishing

AT2OA2 Logo

The Scholarly Communications in Transition blog,, opens an external URL in a new window, which was created as part of a sub-project of Austrian Transition to Open Access 2, opens an external URL in a new window (AT2OA2), aims to address various key issues related to predatory publishing, to question common narratives and beliefs, situating predatory publishing and related phenomena in a broader context pertaining to scholarly communications.

The Austrian Transition to Open Access 2 (AT2OA²) project, like its predecessor, has the primary goal of advancing the transformation from closed to open access (OA) in scientific publications. AT2OA² is composed of five sub-projects, which are the negotiation of additional transformative agreements for Austria (SP1), the creation of the Austrian Datahub for OA-Negotiations and Monitoring (SP2), the development of a survey and analysis of publication costs at universities (SP3), Predatory publishing (SP4) and the visibility of OA publications using alternative metrics (SP5).

Staff members of the TU Wien Bibliothek are represented in all subprojects and actively contribute to the implementation of the project goals. If you have any questions about the project, please contact us